Here are the rules:
1) Put the link of the person who tagged you on your blog: I am Steph
2) Write the rules.
3) Mention 6 things or habits of no real importance about you.
4) Tag 6 persons adding their links directly.
5) Alert the persons that you tagged them.
So, without further adieu...
-I get really, really irritated when people spell my name wrong. It's C-l-a-i-r-e..and yes, it does matter!
-I have an intolerence for text speak. Just don't do it.
-I love looking at people. Not in a weird, stalkery 'I'm contemplating killing you' type of way. I just like looking at people's faces.
-I'm extraordinarily messy. It's an illness..
-I have weird, bendy fingers. Like, I can bend the tips of my fingers (just before the bit with the nail) all at the same time, without touching them. It's gross. I freak people out with the way I bend my legs when I sit too apparently.
-I have a slight obsession with all things circus related, and even got asked to join once. Well..twice, but it was only the one occasion.
So, there we have it! I think everyone's already been tagged to do this by now, so I'm not gonna tag anyone, but if you wanna do it...well, off ye go!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Stand by me[me]...
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 16:08 8 comments
Labels: Meme
Mona Lisas and mad hatters...
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 15:32 31 comments
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?
I should probably say something about the support act.. (who was NOT Lady GaGa as I had been told - disgusted is not even the word..guh.) They were enjoyable, but much the same as any other support group...the songs blended into each other, they got the crowd going by making numerous references to the headline act, and they stayed on a little bit too long. They also came on late, which resulted in the already impatient 'mosh pit' becoming irritated and more bitchy than necessary. (check them out here: Raygun Myspace page)
But, anyway, they came, they sang, we jumped and whooped, and they were gone.
Then, I decided to take a little trip to the paramedic. Yep...I nearly fainted BEFORE P!nk even came on. That's how hardcore I am. If it's never happened to you...almost fainting in the pit, and being hauled over the barrier is rather horrible..and embarrassing. And there is no graceful way to do it..(always wanted to try it though, so I suppose I can tick it off my 'to do' list..)
After the paramedic was happy that I was ok, and had given out to me for trying to live off a yoghurt for the day, he sent me back out to the crowd to fend for myself..
And so the show really began!
The stage was like a carnival funhouse (go figure) on steroids, complete with slides, and huge, creepy inflated clown and devil court jester type things. She performed all the favourites, including a truly gorgeous acoustic version of Family Portrait, which resulted in a few tears from the people around me.
It's these parts of the concert that show you just how much talent this girl really has. She doesn't have to rely on flashy lights and sparkly costumes...all she had at that time was two backing singers, and an acoustic guitar, and it really was captivating.
Unsurprisingly though, my absolute favourite part was when all the circus acts appeared. Acrobats, Cord Lisse performers, and P!nk herself on a trapeze way above the crowd. Of course, due to my love and obsession of all things circus, I was instantly spellbound. I don't think I heard half of what she sang, I was just too busy watching everything. Again, she surpassed all by singing live (and she was live, you could hear her voice catching every so often, it wasn't recorded..) while flinging herself from a trapeze, somersaulting and spinning through the air.
And, as if all that wasn't good enough, she completed it all with a brilliant cover of Bohemian Rhapsody (I'm wondering how many casualties were caused by the simultaneous head banging..), and the finale, with my song of the moment, Glitter In The Air (which you can hear in my previous blog, by the way..) She's coming back in October to do it all again, I'm seriously considering going to it, and I would recommend everyone else go to it too. It's spectacular!
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 21:06 5 comments
It's only half past the point of no return..
Song of the moment...I can't get it out of my head..
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 18:42 1 comments
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Friday, 10 April 2009
Thanks to the Jelly Monster..
Well, thanks to Jelly Monster, I have to get my brain out of it's box, dust it off, and think of things I wish I'd 'thunk' of...hmmm..
Eek...that's a toughie. Think I'm gonna have to go with Little Miss Sunshine. I just love how it's not a typical 'Hollywood' film, with the gorgeous people and happy go lucky plotline. And anything with Steve Carell gets my seal of approval! Song
Emm...this changes by the minute, but I'm going to have to say Songbird (my favourite being the Eva Cassidy version). It's just such an amazing song, the lyrics are simple, but beautiful. Team that with Cassidy's haunting, pitch perfect voice, and you're on to a winner!
Chocolate Bar
Had to play eeny meeny miney mo with this one...and the result was...*drumroll*..Galaxy! The ultimate girly chocolate bar...and oh, the different ways you can have it. Caramel, nuts, Minstrelised, Rippled...need I go on?? So yeah...I wish I'd 'thunk' of Galaxy!Invention
Well...since English Mum has already claimed make up, I'm going to have to pick something else (but I would've picked that..) I'm going to be completely girly and shallow here, and say, high heels. They always make your outfit better, they make you walk straighter, make you taller, and make your legs look thinner. What's not to like?? (I want the shoes, and the legs, in this picture!)
Oh my God...this one is quite difficult. Is it cheating if I take inspiration from English Mum's and say Live 8? I wasn't really around for the first one, so I can't remember it. I did however, stay up all night watching the Live 8 concerts (ok, so I was watching it all in hopes of seeing one band in particular, but still...)..fuck it, if it is cheating, I don't care, I'm saying it anyway! I wish I'd thunk of Live 8! Ok! Now, to tag people. I'm going to choose Whoopsadaisy, Paddy In England and Laughy Kate. No pressure folks, I don't care if you actually do it or not, but I had to pick someone!
Meme. Done.
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 02:47 5 comments
Labels: Meme
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
This kind of made me want to cry a little bit..
Stupid hormones have a lot to answer for...
I just feel all sorry for that poor dog, waiting for his owner to come home from college...poor lil thing!
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 01:50 2 comments
Labels: Misc, Postsecret
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
J'aurais voulu ne pas mourir. J'aurais voulu ne jamais grandir...
"Quidam, a nameless passerby, a solitary figure lingering on a street corner, a person rushing past, a person who lives lost amidst the crowd in an all-too-anonymous society"
Skipping out of the o2 tonight, it was almost like waking up from a vivid, amazing dream. Everyone around me was buzzing, wide eyes and smiles surrounding. Tonight, we all saw something we'd never seen before, something special, something spectacular.
I've been waiting for a Cirque du Soleil show to come to Ireland ever since I heard about the group I don't know how many years ago. I have a love of all things bizarre and circus-y, and from there, an obsession formed. And tonight, finally, the obsession was fed.
The main character, Zoe, a bored, impatient with everything she's seen, child takes us into her imagination, an Alice In Wonderland type place, with everything from clowns, and trapeze (sorry, cloud swing!) artists, to walking targets and a man with a hat, and umbrella, but no head.
The show was perfect, from start to finish. From the moment Zoe's parents started levitating in their chairs, it was obvious that this was a show like no other. The level of skill and obvious dedication those performers have is extraordinary. The balance of humour (with John the clown) and breathtaking stunts (my favourite being the Banquine) was impeccable, the music creating the perfect atmosphere, and background performers ensuring that there was always something to look at.
The one negative I have is nothing to do with the show itself. More to do with o2 and their stupid cameras allowed. I tried, of course, to break this rule but I was caught by an usher. I tried again, but it was too dark to get any decent shots, and I didn't want to risk using my flash. Rather annoying, my way of thinking is, if I pay 70e for a ticket to a show, I want to take pictures and remember it. Grr!
Below are just pictures of the...unbelievable performances I just saw...not mine, but they're still amazing!
Zoe and her levitating parents
German Wheel
Aerial Hoops
Cloud Swing
Skipping Ropes
Spanish Webs
Banquine 1
Banquine 2
Now...if you'll excuse me, I'm off to run away with the circus!
Posted by Daily Daydreamer at 00:58 7 comments