We all have them. The slightly less than normal things that make our hearts race, have us reaching for the cushion to hide our eyes, or the duvet to hide under. Others don't understand them, and we can't explain them, but nevertheless, they're real, and they're terrifying!
So, I thought we could share our irrational fears..we might even get a laugh out of some of them!!
My top 5, are, in no particular order (they all terrify me equally..)as follows:
Ok..well, I'm afraid of ALL birds, but pigeons are the worst. They are EVERYWHERE, and..the pigeons where I live have a serious attitude problem. They have no fear...(I've actually had this conversation, in depth, with a work colleague...)They don't fly away when I shoo them (from a safe distance of course...), instead, they look at you with their beady little eyes, as if to say "Oh yeah??? You and what army, bitch?!" and keep strutting on their merry way, bopping their heads like they don't have a care in the world!
Small green men with wild, orange hair and pervy 'Oirish' accents who sit on a pot of gold all day, cackling all sinister like to themselves...usually while innebriated! Need I say more!?
Painted People
You know like the ones on Grafton Street, painted all silver (or gold, if you're lucky...) Yeah...what is the deal with them!? What sort of sick, twisted fecker gets a buzz out of scaring innocent children for money?! They should all be lined up and shot (while people stand jingling the spare change in their pockets..)Yeah...
I don't have any food under my beard. That's a good idea though.
Em none of the above...I'm not sure I hav any irrational fears actually? How sensible am I? lol
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