Or if you can't find the weatherman, blame it on the next best person...the innocent checkout queen who's just trying to get through the day before collapsing somewhere and dying of baby guiness and vodka induced agony...
You can't win...if it's too warm, people moan at you. 'God you'd be shweatin..it's terrible warm in here isn't it!' *glare*
If it's too cold 'God'n it's awful cold in here, is there no heating??' *glare*
And if, heaven forbid, it should rain torrentially and flood the best part of dublin...
Chaos ensued in the reeking, putrid, mangy pit of death (aka tesco) today when storms fucked up our systems and wouldn't let us give out phone top ups, or accept credit / debit cards. No supervisors, I had no change in my till, and I was the only till open, which meant I got all the scorpy fuckers at me as well...shambles!
PLUS neither C.K. or Eye-Candy was there, so I was thoroughly bored...
Next week marks my 4th week there, making it the longest job I've ever had...should I take a bow now or wait and see if I can stick it for the month??
Eh, congrats on the duration of employment. :)
On the plus side, you can get the PIN codes of every single person who comes in with a credit card.
...not that I've done that.
I can't, they cover the panel when they see me watching...foiled again!
Well they're so busy working at hiding the PIN from you that I can see it perfectly... since it's not actually part of my job to carry bags for people, I feel that I deserve to steal a little bit from them.
Sneaky...I like it!
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